Analisis Konsep Kebahagiaan dalam Pandangan Filsafat Islam Analysis of the Concept of Happiness in the Perspective of Islamic Philosophy

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Nur Ayu Setyariza
Intan Kusumawardani
Sri Erna Widayati
Yekti Handayani
Kasori Kasori


Happiness is everyone's hope. Happiness is something that every human being dreams of. Humans in the Islamic view are creatures of Allah SWT, creatures created by Allah SWT. Islamic philosophy views that happiness can be achieved through rational thinking. Rational thinking is an effort to imitate God's actions. With the guidance of reason which is correlated with science, humans will be able to determine where they will depend for their happiness, namely only on Allah. The type of research used in this research is descriptive qualitative. This research aims to explain the phenomenon through data collection as in-depth as possible.

Analysis; Happiness; Islamic Philosophy

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How to Cite
Setyariza, N. A., Kusumawardani, I., Widayati, S. E., Handayani, Y., & Kasori, K. (2024). Analisis Konsep Kebahagiaan dalam Pandangan Filsafat Islam. TSAQOFAH, 4(1), 895-912.

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