Penerapan Teknik Reinforcement dan Punishment dalam Bingkai Konseling terhadap Anak-anak Panti Yauma Surabaya Application of Reinforcement and Punishment Techniques in the Framework of Counseling for Children at Panti Yauma Surabaya

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Fara Fairuz Sukma
Citra Ardiani Dwi Ayu Ningtias
Wildan Nasruddin Murtadlo
Bakhrudin All Habsy


An analysis of the behavior of children in a twofa orphanage related to engagement in learning activities and talent expression. Through observation and interview methods, internal and external factors such as reinforcement and punishment influence children's level of engagement. Positive stimuli such as appreciation encourage active participation, while negative stimuli such as prohibition from playing games provide motivation for behavior change. The results showed the effectiveness of applying reinforcement and punishment in changing children's behavior to become more active and expressive. In conclusion, this approach has an important role in shaping the character of children in orphanages, encouraging engagement in learning, and talent development.

Reinforcement; Punishment; Behavior Analysis

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How to Cite
Sukma, F., Ningtias, C. A. D. A., Murtadlo, W. N., & Habsy, B. A. (2024). Penerapan Teknik Reinforcement dan Punishment dalam Bingkai Konseling terhadap Anak-anak Panti Yauma Surabaya. TSAQOFAH, 4(3), 1736-1747.

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