Lingkungan Positif dalam Mendukung Pembelajaran Positive Environment in Supporting Learning

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Bakhrudin All Habsy
Syafira Badhiatus Shidqah
Azzah Nabila Amali
Intan Nur Fadhilla


A positive environment can greatly support individual learning and growth. Whether it is in the context of formal education, professional training, or lifelong learning, a supportive environment plays a very important role. Here are some elements that make up a positive environment to support learning: Teacher or Mentor Involvement; Available Resources; Comfortable Classroom; Diversity and Inclusion; Motivation and Social Support: Supportive peers, family support, and motivation from the social environment can greatly influence an individual's motivation to learn and achieve their academic or professional goals; Opportunities to Participate; Constructive Feedback; Clear Goals; Freedom and Autonomy; Fair Evaluation and Opportunities for Independent Reading and Learning.

Positive Environment; Learning; Teacher; Human Resources

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How to Cite
Habsy, B. A., Shidqah, S. B., Amali, A. N., & Fadhilla, I. N. (2023). Lingkungan Positif dalam Mendukung Pembelajaran. TSAQOFAH, 4(1), 211-216.

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