Peran Guru dalam Membentuk Karakter Peserta Didik pada Siswa Kelas III MI Al-Irsyad Kota Tangerang

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Ina Magdalena
Aan Nurcahyati
Syera Putri Sakina
Azma Azahra
Adelia Rohmadona
Putri Nabila
Rika Anggraeni


This  article  aims  to  look  at  the  role  of  teachers  in  shaping  the  character  of  students  in public  elementary  schools.  This  study  uses  a  qualitative  approach  with  data  collection techniques  of  observation,  interviews  and  documentation.  The  data  validity  analysis techniques used were triangulation, observation extension and increased persistence. The results of this study found that the teacher's role is very strategic in shaping the character of  students  because  the  teacher  is  not  only  a  person  who  teaches  character  values to students  theoretically  but  the  teacher  also  provides  an  example,  so  that  it  is  relevant between what is conveyed and what is done by the teacher.. So that it has a very positive impact on the formation of the character of students.

Teacher's Role; Character; Students

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Magdalena, I., Nurcahyati, A., Sakina, S. P., Azahra, A., Rohmadona, A., Nabila, P., & Anggraeni, R. (2023). Peran Guru dalam Membentuk Karakter Peserta Didik pada Siswa Kelas III MI Al-Irsyad Kota Tangerang. ANWARUL, 3(5), 1017-1023.

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