Tradisi Ngidak Tigan dan Wijikan Masyarakat Muslim Jawa di Desa Bandar Setia

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Abdul Gani Jamora Nasution
Shadrina Azzahra Lubis
Laila Nadya
Naila Audiva Hutasuhut


This article reviews the “Ngidak Tigan and Wijikan Traditions of the Javanese Muslim Community in Bandar Setia Village” using a descriptive approach. The focus of the first question is about yhe understanding of the community in Bandar Setia Village regarding the Ngidak Tigan and Wijikan Traditions. Second, the traditional Javanese wedding procession. The result of the study show that first, when it is discussed critically about the fundamental differences regarding Javanese wedding procession begins with the first procession, namely  nontoni”, to the last procession, namely “Ngidak Tigan and Wijikan”.

Ngidak Tigan; Wijikan; Javanese Muslim Community; Bandar Setia

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How to Cite
Nasution, A. G. J., Lubis, S. A., Nadya, L., & Hutasuhut, N. A. (2023). Tradisi Ngidak Tigan dan Wijikan Masyarakat Muslim Jawa di Desa Bandar Setia. TSAQOFAH, 3(1), 114-120.

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