Pendidikan Anak dalam Perspektif Psikologi Pendidikan Islam Child Education in the Perspective of Islamic Educational Psychology

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Siti Rokhimah
Andhika Sarfatra Winarno
Siti Maesaroh Aly
Muhammad Saifudin


In early childhood development, psychology is an important component that an educator, especially an Islamic religious education teacher, must know. In today's open era, if a child does not have aqidah and strong faith, he will become a victim of social media which contains many elements of promiscuity. If this continues from day to day, year after year, it will hinder the correct understanding of the straight path and there will be great fear of losing one's identity as a Muslim. Therefore, educational methods are needed that are in accordance with a child's nature and in accordance with his or her soul so that he or she can grow into a person with noble character. The method of training children is the most important and most important thing. Children are a trust for their parents. Every child is born with a natural belief in the existence of God Almighty. So parents play an important role in educating their children religiously, in this case Islamic education that is appropriate to the child's development and psychology. Among the roles of Islamic Educational Psychology in children's education are: a) Developing children's responsible abilities and self-confidence; b) Establishing a good relationship between educators (parents) and children; c) Foster motivation in the child; d) educators already understand the methods that must be used when teaching; e) Children and parents can understand their respective duties and roles.

Children's Education; Child Psychiatry; Psychological Perspective; Islamic education

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Rokhimah, S., Winarno, A. S., Aly, S. M., & Saifudin, M. (2024). Pendidikan Anak dalam Perspektif Psikologi Pendidikan Islam. TSAQOFAH, 4(3), 1545-1555.


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