Penggunaan Katalis SiO2/ZnO untuk Menghilangkan Pewarna Rhodamin B Secara Efisien melalui Impregnasi Basah Utilization of SiO2/ZnO Catalyst for Efficient Removal of Rhodamine B Dye through Wet Impregnation

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Muhamad Luthfi
Imam Wahyudi Afrizon


This study explores the removal of Rhodamine B dye from wastewater using SiO2/ZnO catalysts synthesized by wet impregnation with varying zinc nitrate loadings (0.25–1.25 g). The catalyst prepared with 1 g of Zn(NO) exhibited the highest activity, achieving a remarkable 95% degradation of Rhodamine B under UV irradiation. This enhanced performance is attributed to optimized active site availability on the catalyst surface. FTIR characterization confirmed the presence of both SiOand ZnO, with characteristic vibrational modes observed at 1067.44 cm¹ and 428.72 cm¹, respectively. These findings highlight the promising potential of tailored SiO/ZnO catalysts for efficient and environmentally friendly treatment of dye-contaminated wastewater.

SiO2/ZnO catalysts; Rhodamine B; Photocatalytist

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How to Cite
Luthfi, M., & Afrizon, I. W. (2024). Penggunaan Katalis SiO2/ZnO untuk Menghilangkan Pewarna Rhodamin B Secara Efisien melalui Impregnasi Basah. MASALIQ, 4(1), 352-358.