Hubungan Self Regulation dengan Bedtime Procrastination pada Remaja yang Bermain Game Online The Relationship Between Self-Regulation and Bedtime Procrastination in Adolescents Who Play Online Games

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Fidila Azzahra S.
Devi Rusli


This study aims to determine the relationship between self regulation and bedtime procrastination in adolescents who play online games in Sawahlunto City. This study uses a quantitative approach with correlational method. The sample selection was 272 teenegers using purposive sampling technique. Bedtime procrastination scale measuring instrument adapted from S.Khairunnisa (2023) with 7 items. Self regulation measuring instrument adapted from Setiawan,B (2022) with 49 items from 3 aspects. Data analysis in this study, using product moment correlation terchniques with the help of SPSS.16 program. The results of this study found that there is a significant relationship between self regulation and bedtime procrastination with a negative direction, meaning that if self regulation is high, then bedtime procrastination is low, in adolescents who play online games in Sawahlunto City and vice versa.

Self regulation; Bedtime Procrastination; Teenagers

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S., F. A., & Rusli, D. (2024). Hubungan Self Regulation dengan Bedtime Procrastination pada Remaja yang Bermain Game Online. YASIN, 4(3), 399-407.


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