Pengaruh Media Terbuka dan Tertutup terhadap Kadar Asam Lemak Bebas pada Kondisi Suhu Kamar The Influence of Open and Closed Media on Free Fatty Acid Levels at Room Temperature

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Destriani Umi Lestari
Dimas Aji Wicaksono


Free fatty acids (ALB) are fatty acids that exist in a free state and are no longer related to glycerol. The method used in ALB analysis in CPO uses the alkalimetric titration method with the principle of determining acid levels using a standard alkaline solution that has known the exact concentration. The data collection process is carried out by calculating the % ALB in open and closed media CPO which is then calculated in excel to find out the comparison of the increase in % ALB so that the graph is obtained. a significant increase occurs in open media CPO because open media is more rapidly oxidized and more susceptible to contamination by air so that there is a faster increase in open media samples so that in open media the smell is more rancid than closed media due to the result of oxidation, namely hydroperoxide which gives a rancid smell and gives a brownish color to CPO.

Free fatty acids (ALB); Crude Palm Oil (CPO)

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Lestari, D. U., & Wicaksono, D. A. (2024). Pengaruh Media Terbuka dan Tertutup terhadap Kadar Asam Lemak Bebas pada Kondisi Suhu Kamar. MASALIQ, 4(2), 516-522.