Kontribusi Cyber Wellness terhadap Online Disinhibition pada Mahasiswa yang Aktif Menggunakan Media Sosial The Contribution of Cyber Wellness to Online Disinhibition Among University Students Actively Using Social Media

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Mutiara Sujaya
Mardianto Mardianto
Rizal Kurniawan
Indriyani Santoso


This study used quantitative methods with a correlational approach. The population in this study was students who actively used social media totaling 212 samples. Sampling using purposive sampling technique. This study used a Cyber Wellness scale of 14 items with a coefficient of 0.816 and an Online Disinhibition scale of 25 items with a coefficient of 0.874. Data analysis, using simple regression techniques yielded a correlation coefficient of 0.542 with a p value (significant) of 0.000< 0.05, so it can be concluded that H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. The results of the hypothesis test contained an R Square value of 0.293, thus the contribution of Cyber Wellness to resilience was 8%. The results showed that there was a contribution of Cyber Wellness to Online Disinhibition in college  students who actively used social media with a negative relationship direction.

Cyber Wellness; Online Disinhibition; Social Media

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Sujaya, M., Mardianto, M., Kurniawan, R., & Santoso, I. (2024). Kontribusi Cyber Wellness terhadap Online Disinhibition pada Mahasiswa yang Aktif Menggunakan Media Sosial. ARZUSIN, 4(2), 339-353. https://doi.org/10.58578/arzusin.v4i2.2729