Implementasi Nilai-nilai Spiritual dalam Pendidkan (Studi Kasus MTs. Barakatul Walidain Rarangan Pijot Lombok Timur)

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Nasri Nasri


Value is something that can be used as a target to achieve a goal that becomes a noble trait consisting of two or more components that influence each other. Value in Islam is the result of qur'ani education developed as prophetic ethics used as a substance in Islamic education. Islamic spiritual values are immaterial in the form of inner beliefs, which are sourced from the values contained in the Qur'an and as-Sunnah. Islamic spiritual values have a transcendental intelligence relationship, located in the inner heart which is considered to have sacred, holy and great power.

Value; Spiritual

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Nasri, N. (2022). Implementasi Nilai-nilai Spiritual dalam Pendidkan (Studi Kasus MTs. Barakatul Walidain Rarangan Pijot Lombok Timur). Al-DYAS, 1(1), 53-62.