Mengidentifikasi Tantangan yang Dihadapi oleh Siswa Kelas 3 SDN 171/1 Bajubang Laut dalam Kemampuan Berhitung melalui Observasi

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Athylla Friska Amanda
Silfiana Sari
Lidia Thimora Sirait
Armanta Sembiring


Learning mathematics has a special purpose in elementary schools so that students can develop numeracy skills as a tool in everyday life, have basic knowledge of mathematics as a provision for further learning in junior high schools, and students can be logical, critical, careful, creative and  positive.  This research uses a qualitative method with a type of case study research conducted to understand a particular case or situation in depth.  The challenge of numeracy ability can have implications for various aspects of a person’s life, be it in daily life, education, and career.

Mathematics; Challenges; Elementary School

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Amanda, A. F., Sari, S., Sirait, L. T., & Sembiring, A. (2023). Mengidentifikasi Tantangan yang Dihadapi oleh Siswa Kelas 3 SDN 171/1 Bajubang Laut dalam Kemampuan Berhitung melalui Observasi. Al-DYAS, 2(3), 737-749.