Smart Grid Technologies: Advancements and Applications in Nigeria

Page Numbers: 359-370
Published: 2024-08-28
Digital Object Identifier: 10.58578/mikailalsys.v2i3.3777
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  • Gideon Fwah Karnilius School of Engineering Adamawa State Polytechnic Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria
  • John Ibanga Isaac Modibbo Adama UniversityYola, Adamawa State, Nigeria
  • Rabiu Falama Modibbo Adama UniversityYola, Adamawa State, Nigeria


This study explores the impact of smart grid technologies on the modernization of power grids in response to evolving energy demands and the integration of renewable energy sources in Nigeria. It aims to empirically assess advancements in smart grid technologies, focusing on four key objectives: eval_uating the impact of smart meters on energy consumption and peak demand reduction, analyzing the effectiveness of Advanced Distribution Management Systems (ADMS) in enhancing grid reliability and efficiency, assessing the role of demand response programs in balancing supply and demand, and examining the integration and management of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) within smart grids. The research employs a quantitative methodology, collecting and analyzing data from utility companies that have implemented smart grid technologies. Key findings reveal that smart meters significantly reduce energy consumption and peak demand by providing real-time monitoring, while ADMS improves grid reliability and operational efficiency through enhanced fault detection and automated control. Demand response programs effectively balance energy supply and demand, reducing peak loads and energy costs. The integration of DERs increases renewable energy utilization and grid stability but also presents challenges related to variability in power output and management complexity. The study concludes that smart grid technologies play a crucial role in achieving a more resilient and efficient power grid, though addressing challenges related to DER integration and system management is essential for maximizing their benefits.

Keywords: Smart Grid; Technologies; Distributed Energy Resources; Advanced Distribution Management Systems
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How to Cite
Karnilius, G. F., Isaac, J. I., & Falama, R. (2024). Smart Grid Technologies: Advancements and Applications in Nigeria. Journal of Multidisciplinary Science: MIKAILALSYS, 2(3), 359-370.


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