Using Collaborative Instructional Approach to Improve Mathematics Achievement of Students with Openness to Experience Traits During Pandemic Era in Taraba State

Page Numbers: 351-360
Published: 2024-08-23
Digital Object Identifier: 10.58578/ijhess.v2i3.3678
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  • Bernard A. Yukwa Taraba State University, Jalingo, Nigeria
  • Fai M. Nshie National Open University of Nigeria, Jalingo, Nigeria


This paper focuses on the Influence of Collaborative Instructional Approach on Mathematics Achievement of Students with Openness to Experience Traits during Pandemic Era in Taraba State. Qualitative Research Design was adopted whereby data were gathered through secondary sources. Findings revealed that during the Pandemic Era, students with Openness to Experience enjoyed learning when they were exposed to Collaborative Instructional Approach. It was recommended that teachers should be encouraged to group students based on student’s personal traits to improve their achievement during the Pandemic Era in Taraba State.

Keywords: Collaborative; Instructional; Approach; Pandemic Era; Achievement and Openness to Experience Traits
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How to Cite
Yukwa, B. A., & Nshie, F. M. (2024). Using Collaborative Instructional Approach to Improve Mathematics Achievement of Students with Openness to Experience Traits During Pandemic Era in Taraba State. International Journal of Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences, 2(3), 351-360.


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