Focus and Scope

The International Journal of Education, Culture, and Society (IJECS) is a scholarly publication dedicated to exploring the intersections and interactions between education, culture, and society. The journal welcomes original research articles, literature reviews, case studies, and theoretical papers that contribute to the understanding, critique, and advancement of educational practices, cultural dynamics, and societal issues. The focus areas of IJECUS include but are not limited to:

  1. Educational Policies and Practices: Analysis of educational policies, reforms, curriculum development, pedagogical approaches, teaching methods, assessment practices, and educational leadership within diverse cultural and societal contexts.

  2. Cultural Diversity and Inclusion: Examination of cultural diversity, multicultural education, intercultural competence, inclusive practices, cultural identity formation, and the promotion of diversity, equity, and social justice in education.

  3. Language and Communication: Research on language learning, multilingualism, language policies, linguistic diversity, communication strategies, digital literacy, media literacy, and the role of language in shaping cultural perceptions and societal interactions.

  4. Globalization and Education: Exploration of the impact of globalization, internationalization, transnationalism, global citizenship education, cross-cultural exchanges, and the challenges and opportunities of globalized education systems.

  5. Societal Issues in Education: Studies on education and social mobility, educational inequalities, poverty, gender equality, social inclusion, human rights education, environmental education, and education for sustainable development.

  6. Cultural Studies and Humanities in Education: Research in cultural studies, humanities education, arts education, literature, history, philosophy, and their contributions to critical thinking, cultural awareness, and societal engagement.

  7. Technology and Digital Culture: Analysis of technology integration in education, digital cultures, online learning environments, digital literacies, educational technologies, e-learning strategies, and the impact of digital media on education and society.

  8. Educational Psychology and Social Sciences: Research on educational psychology, social-emotional learning, motivation, student well-being, resilience, socio-cultural factors influencing learning outcomes, and the role of social sciences in educational research and practice.

IJECUS aims to promote interdisciplinary dialogue, critical inquiry, and evidence-based practices in education, culture, and society. The journal seeks to engage researchers, educators, policymakers, cultural analysts, social scientists, and stakeholders to address complex educational challenges, celebrate cultural diversity, and foster inclusive societies through education.