Fenomena Taubat dan Hijrah di Kalangan Komunitas Sahabat Hijrahku di Kelurahan Babura Kecamatan Medan Sunggal

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Paisal Zikri
Syukri Syukri
Nurliana Damanik


Babura Village is one of the different Villages in the Medan Sunggal District area. Medan City, North Sumatra Province, which still has a Muslim minority in every corner of the region. after the author made observations, it was found that in the Kelurahan there is a community called Community of Friends of Hijrahku which was founded by Ahmad Kami in Babura Village, Medan Sunggal District, North Sumatra. , removing the partition of differences between Harakah without violating the Shari'a and imparting knowledge and skills to the community according to Islamic and Shari'a values.

My Hijrah Friends Community in Babura Village; Medan Sunggal District

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Zikri, P., Syukri, S., & Damanik, N. (2023). Fenomena Taubat dan Hijrah di Kalangan Komunitas Sahabat Hijrahku di Kelurahan Babura Kecamatan Medan Sunggal. ANWARUL, 3(6), 1303-1312. https://doi.org/10.58578/anwarul.v3i6.1693