Challenges and Prospects of Artificial Intelligence in Nigerian Journalism Practice: A Narrative Review

Page Numbers: 110-124
Published: 2024-05-08
Digital Object Identifier: 10.58578/alsystech.v2i2.2946
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  • Chiakaan Jacob Gbaden Taraba State University, Jalingo, Nigeria
  • Sarah Gambo University of Abuja, Nigeria
  • Woyopwa Shem Taraba State University, Jalingo, Nigeria


The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into Nigerian journalism practices presents both challenges and prospects for the industry. This paper explores the dynamic interplay between AI technologies and journalism in Nigeria, addressing key conceptual clarifications, theoretical frameworks, challenges, and prospects associated with AI utilization in the field. Drawing upon existing literature, the study examines the multifaceted nature of AI, ranging from its conceptual underpinnings to its practical applications in journalism. It utilizes the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework to analyze the factors influencing AI adoption within Nigerian newsrooms, considering technological, organizational, and environmental contexts. Identifying challenges such as infrastructural limitations, financial constraints, cultural resistance, and ethical considerations, the paper elucidates the complexities inherent in AI integration in Nigerian journalism. These challenges encompass issues of data quality, transparency, bias, and accountability, underscoring the need for responsible AI implementation and robust ethical frameworks. Additionally, the paper discusses the prospects offered by AI in enhancing journalistic efficiency, facilitating data-driven reporting, personalizing news delivery, and combating misinformation. By leveraging AI for fact-checking, multilingual reporting, predictive analytics, and automated content generation, Nigerian journalists can innovate and adapt to the evolving media landscape. Moreover, AI presents opportunities for improving audience engagement, storytelling, collaboration, and addressing bias and ethics concerns. Embracing AI in journalism also creates educational pathways for aspiring journalists, fostering skill development and innovation in the industry.

Keywords: Challenges; Prospects; Artificial Intelligence; Journalism; Nigeria
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How to Cite
Gbaden, C. J., Gambo, S., & Shem, W. (2024). Challenges and Prospects of Artificial Intelligence in Nigerian Journalism Practice: A Narrative Review. ALSYSTECH Journal of Education Technology, 2(2), 110-124.


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