Analysis the Effect of Inflation, Gold Prices in Dollars, Rupiah Exchange to Bank Indonesia Monthly Rates After the COVID 19

Page Numbers: 114-125
Published: 2024-09-04
Digital Object Identifier: 10.58578/mjms.v2i3.3767
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  • Dimas Nugroho Dwi Seputro Perum Perumnas, BUMN, Indonesia
  • Andrea Tri Rian Dani Mulawarman University, Indonesia
  • Meirinda Fauziyah Mulawarman University, Indonesia
  • Narita Yuri Adrianingsih Tribuana Kalabahi University, Indonesia
  • Fachrian Bimantoro Putra Mulawarman University, Indonesia


The Covid-19 pandemic has caused economic turmoil to become uncertain, affecting all aspects of Indonesian society's lives. This research aims to determine the relationship between the inflation rate, the transaction price of the last issuer of gold and the rupiah exchange rate that occurred in the period after the Covid-19 pandemic on the monthly interest rate of Bank Indonesia, both together and each variable on the monthly interest rate of Bank Indonesia. This research details the research steps starting from classical assumption test analysis, multiple linear regression, coefficient of determination to hypothesis testing. The research results show that from the inflation rate, the price of gold in dollars together has a significant influence on the dependent variable, namely the Bank Indonesia monthly interest rate. Inflation and gold prices in dollars partially have a significant influence on Bank Indonesia's monthly interest rate, while the rupiah exchange rate variable partially does not have a significant influence on Bank Indonesia's monthly interest rate. Inflation is the most dominant variable in Bank Indonesia's monthly interest rate after the Covid-19 pandemic.  

Keywords: Inflation Rates; Gold Price; Rupiah Exchange Rate; Interest Rate
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How to Cite
Seputro, D. N. D., Dani, A., Fauziyah, M., Adrianingsih, N. Y., & Putra, F. B. (2024). Analysis the Effect of Inflation, Gold Prices in Dollars, Rupiah Exchange to Bank Indonesia Monthly Rates After the COVID 19. Mikailalsys Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 2(3), 114-125.


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