Implications of Social Media Usage on Jukun Culture: A Multidisplinary Approach

Page Numbers: 142-160
Published: 2024-07-07
Digital Object Identifier: 10.58578/ijecs.v2i3.3315
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  • John Moses Maikomo Taraba State University, Jalingo, Nigeria
  • Jesse Ishaku Taraba State University, Jalingo, Nigeria
  • Samuel Asicus Taraba State University, Jalingo, Nigeria


The intrusive impact of social media has revolutionised communication globally, thereby altering the status quo in virtually every aspect of life in the society. This is manifestly seen in the influence social media exerts on indigenous cultures in most especially developing countries like Nigeria. Jukun culture which is a rich traditional culture from Taraba State, Nigeria is not spared from this unfortunate reality. This study therefore, ascertains the implications of social media usage on Jukun culture from a multidisplinary point of view. Specifically, the study unravels the socio-cultural perspectives of social media usage on Aku-uka’s transitional rites; examines the perceptions of Jukun stakeholders on the implications of social media usage on Jukun traditional rites and proffers possible ways of integrating social media for promotion and transmission of Jukun culture. Anchored on cultural imperialism theory, the study adopts indepth interview to elicit relevant data from Jukun stakeholders on the implications of social media usage on Jukun culture. Among other things, the study found out that the use of social media breaches some aspects of Jukun culture and that certain foreign practices are also being introduced. The study recommends that indigenous pages and accounts should be created on different social media handles for the preservation and propagation of culture in its original form. Conclusively, social media usage has a double-edged impact on Jukun culture with the negative impact competing side-by-side with the positive impact.

Keywords: Social Media; Culture; Implications; Usage; Jukun; Multidisplinary Approach
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How to Cite
Maikomo, J. M., Ishaku, J., & Asicus, S. (2024). Implications of Social Media Usage on Jukun Culture: A Multidisplinary Approach. International Journal of Education, Culture, and Society, 2(3), 142-160.


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