Pengaruh Main Kajai terhadap Keterampilan Lokomotor Anak di Taman Kanak Kanak Negeri Pembina Sitiung Kabupaten Dharmasraya

The Influence of Traditional Games on the Locomotor Skills of Children at the State Kindergarten Pembina Sitiung, Dharmasraya Regency

Page Numbers: 184-191
Published: 2023-11-12
Digital Object Identifier: 10.58578/ajecee.v1i2.2095
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  • Rahmabella Agita Sigit Universitas Negeri Padang


This research is motivated by the importance of locomotor stimulation in early childhood. However, it was found that teachers only provided gymnastics and free play and many were found to be hesitant about jumping over obstacles. Based on the problem, researchers applied playing kajai with the aim of finding out its effect on children's locomotor skills. This research method is quantitative with a one group pretest-posttest design. The B2 group is the sample. Data collection techniques use observation, tests and documentation. The data processing procedure begins with testing the validity and reliability of the instrument, testing the prerequisites with a normality test, and ends with hypothesis testing. Based on the average results, it was concluded that the pretest mean score was 14.72, then treatment was given to produce a mean of 25.07 and at the end of the posttest the mean was 26.35. Which means children's locomotor skills have increased. The normality test found pretest sig 0.199 > α 0.05 and posttest sig 0.201 > α 0.05, so both data were normally distributed. Next, test the hypothesis and obtain sig 0.000 < α 0.05 so that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. So it is concluded that there is an influence of the playing kajai on children's locomotor skills at the Pembina Sitiung State Kindergarten.

Keywords: Locomotor Skills; Playing Kajai; Early Childhood
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How to Cite
Sigit, R. A. (2023). Pengaruh Main Kajai terhadap Keterampilan Lokomotor Anak di Taman Kanak Kanak Negeri Pembina Sitiung Kabupaten Dharmasraya. Asian Journal of Early Childhood and Elementary Education, 1(2), 184-191.


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