Focus and Scope

The Asian Journal of Islamic Studies and Da'wah is dedicated to exploring and disseminating scholarly research, theories, and practices related to Islamic studies and da'wah (Islamic propagation). The journal welcomes original research articles, literature reviews, case studies, and theoretical papers that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the following areas:

  1. Islamic Theology and Philosophy: Exploration of Islamic beliefs, doctrines, theological debates, and philosophical perspectives within the context of contemporary issues and challenges.
  2. Qur'anic Studies and Tafsir: Analysis of Qur'anic exegesis (tafsir), interpretation methodologies, thematic studies, and linguistic analysis of Qur'anic texts.
  3. Hadith Studies: Research on the science of hadith, authentication methods, hadith collections, and the role of hadith in Islamic jurisprudence and ethics.
  4. Islamic Law and Jurisprudence: Examination of Islamic legal principles (fiqh), jurisprudential schools (madhhab), legal reasoning, fatwa issuance, and contemporary legal issues.
  5. Islamic History and Civilization: Studies on Islamic history, civilizations, cultural heritage, contributions to science, literature, arts, and interfaith interactions.
  6. Islamic Education and Pedagogy: Research on Islamic educational systems, curriculum development, teaching methodologies, and educational reform efforts in Muslim-majority and minority contexts.
  7. Islamic Ethics and Morality: Exploration of ethical principles, moral values, virtues, character development, and ethical dilemmas from an Islamic perspective.
  8. Islamic Finance and Economics: Analysis of Islamic economic principles, financial instruments (e.g., Islamic banking, takaful), economic development, and social justice issues.
  9. Islamic Da'wah and Outreach: Studies on da'wah strategies, methodologies, media and communication approaches, interfaith dialogue, and community engagement efforts.
  10. Contemporary Issues in Islam: Discussion of current socio-political, environmental, gender-related, and ethical challenges facing Muslim communities globally, along with Islamic perspectives on addressing these challenges.

The Asian Journal of Islamic Studies and Da'wah aims to foster academic discourse, promote critical thinking, and contribute to a deeper understanding of Islam's diverse aspects, including theology, law, ethics, education, and societal engagement. The journal seeks to serve scholars, researchers, educators, da'wah practitioners, and policymakers interested in Islamic studies and da'wah initiatives across Asia and beyond.