Pengaruh Terapi Warna terhadap Kecemasan pada Mahasiswa The Influence of Color Therapy on Anxiety in Students

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Raisya Haruni Widara
Husnul Khatimah
Aidil Zikri
Prima Aulia


This research was used to determine the effect of color therapy on anxiety in final year students. This research method uses a quasi-experimental design with a onegroup pretest - post-test design approach. The instrument used was the Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS/SRAS). In analyzing the data, researchers used data analysis with several steps for normality testing, homogeneity testing and hypothesis testing. The resulting Sig value. Amounting to 0.516 and 0.593. This proves that the data from the experimental group is also normally distributed. These results indicate that the effect of color therapy on anxiety in final year students has an influence on color therapy in reducing anxiety in final year students before giving the intervention and after giving the intervention.

Color Therapy; Anxiety

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Widara, R. H., Khatimah, H., Zikri, A., & Aulia, P. (2024). Pengaruh Terapi Warna terhadap Kecemasan pada Mahasiswa. AHKAM, 3(2), 551-556.


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