Mathematical Models of Biological Control of Dengue

Page Numbers: 92-102
Published: 2024-04-17
Digital Object Identifier: 10.58578/mjaei.v1i2.2874
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  • Nand Kishor Kumar Trichandra Collage, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
  • Dipendra Prasad Yadav Thakur Ram Multiple Campus, Nepal


Dengue fever, transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, poses a significant public health threat in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. Despite efforts to control its spread through various means, including vector control strategies and vaccine development, dengue remains a formidable challenge. Mathematical modeling has emerged as a valuable tool in understanding the complex dynamics of dengue transmission and evaluating control strategies, particularly those involving biological control methods.

Keywords: Dengue fever; Aedes mosquitoes; Vector control; strategies; Biological control methods
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Kumar, N., & Yadav, D. P. (2024). Mathematical Models of Biological Control of Dengue. Mikailalsys Journal of Advanced Engineering International, 1(2), 92-102.


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