International Journal of Education, Management, and Technology 2024-04-04T07:44:55+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>International Journal of Education, Management, and Technology&nbsp; [<em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">3026-4200</a>&nbsp;</em>(Print)<em>&nbsp;</em>and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">3026-5444</a>&nbsp;(Online)]</strong> is a double-blind peer-reviewed and open-access journal to disseminating all information contributing to the understanding and development of Education, Management, and Technology. Its scope is international in that it welcomes articles from academics, researchers, graduate students, and policymakers. The articles published may take the form of original research, theoretical analyses, and critical reviews. All articles should be in <strong>English</strong> or <strong>Arabic</strong>. <strong>IJEMT</strong>&nbsp; publishes 3 editions a year in April, August, and December (<strong>Unless there is co-publication with conference organizers)</strong>. This&nbsp;journal has been indexed by <a href=";journalId=130117" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Copernicus</a>,&nbsp;<a href=",contains,3026-5444&amp;tab=everything&amp;search_scope=everything&amp;vid=HVD2&amp;lang=en_US&amp;offset=0" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Harvard University</a>, <a href=",contains,3026-5444&amp;tab=beyond_bu&amp;search_scope=pci_all&amp;vid=BU&amp;offset=0" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Boston University</a>,&nbsp;<a href=";search_text=10.58578/ijemt.v1i1.1911" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Dimensions</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Scilit</a>,&nbsp;<a href=";from_ui=yes" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Crossref</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Web of Science</a>&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Garuda</a>,&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Google Scholar</a>, and&nbsp;<a href=";lookfor=3026-5444&amp;ling=1&amp;oaboost=1&amp;name=&amp;thes=&amp;refid=dcresen&amp;newsearch=1" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Base</a>.&nbsp;<strong>IJEMT</strong> Journal has authors from <strong>3 Countries</strong> (Indonesia, Nepal, and Nigeria). <img style="float: right; width: 40px; height: 30px; margin-right: 10px;" src="" alt="Smiley face"> <img style="float: right; width: 40px; height: 30px; margin-right: 10px;" src="" alt="Smiley face"><img style="float: right; width: 40px; height: 30px; margin-right: 10px;" src="" alt="Smiley face"></p> The Influence of Marketing Mix on Purchasing Decisions on E-Commerce Live Streaming Platforms 2024-03-26T08:51:35+00:00 Rizky Nanda Verina [email protected] Rininta Nurrachmi [email protected] Afif Zaerofi [email protected] <p>This study aims to examine the influence of marketing mix (product, price, promotion, people, and process on purchasing decisions on E-commerce Live streaming platforms such as Shopee Live and Tiktok Live. The population of this study is consumers in Indonesia who have shopped through Live streaming commerce. The type of research used is quantitative research. Data analysis techniques using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and data processing using Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis with Smart PLS 3.2.9 applications. The research sample was 252 respondents, data were obtained using questionnaires with a Likert scale of 1-6. The results showed that price, promotion and people had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. While products and processes do not have a significant effect on purchasing decisions in live streaming commerce.</p> 2024-03-26T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## تأثير وسيلة بطاقة الصورة في حفظ المفردات العربية لطلاب الصف الثامن في المدرسة المتوسطة الإسلامية الحكومية ٩ بيسسير سلاتان 2024-03-28T07:14:23+00:00 ننجسيه ترى مايسا [email protected] أرمان حسنى [email protected] <p>The problem of this research is the students' interest in memorizing Arabic vocabulary decreased because the Arabic language teacher did not use the picture card teaching aids, but the Arabic language teacher used the blackboard method. Which causes a lack of students' understanding in memorizing Arabic vocabulary, which causes a decrease in students' scores in learning the Arabic language. The objectives of this research are to find out the effect of the picture card method in memorizing Arabic vocabulary in the eighth grade of the state Islamic middle school 9 Becisir Salatan. In this research, the researcher used an empirical researchtrue experimental kind ofpretest-postest control group design. The research population is the eighth grade students, and they number 54 people, and the research sample is the eighth grade students (1) in the experimental class, and they number 24 people, and the eighth grade (2) the control class, and they number 30 people. Sample selection method random sampling. The research tools used in this research are testing and documentation. for data analysisThe researcher usedT-test. The results of the search is The value of the pre-test and the value of the post-test were indicated with significance (sig-2 tailed) p = 0.000 &lt;0.05. So there is Positive effect of the picture card method in memorizing Arabic vocabulary in the eighth grade of the state Islamic intermediate school 9 Becisir Salatan.</p> 2024-03-28T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analytical Study of Cooperative Organizations Based on Domestic Area of Asian Countries: A Classical Approach of Village 2024-04-01T08:57:14+00:00 Suresh Kumar Sahani [email protected] Santosh Kumar Karna [email protected] <p>In this research paper, we have studied the role of cooperative societies in rural area of asian countries especially in Madhesh Province of Nepal. Also we study the liqidity position of these societies in economic development of rural area of our country.</p> 2024-04-01T08:57:14+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Exploring the Efficacy of Vocational Training Programs in Motor Vehicle and Mechanic Works Trade: A Case Study of Science and Technical Colleges in Northeast Nigeria 2024-04-04T07:44:55+00:00 Samaila Yerima Sule [email protected] Ojo Joshua Lare [email protected] John Ebenezer Oguntokun [email protected] <p>This study aimed to explore the efficacy of vocational training programs in Motor Vehicle and Mechanic Works Trade: a case study of science and technical colleges in northeast Nigeria. The study adopted a survey research design and was carried out in northeast Nigeria. The Zone includes the states of Adamawa, Bauchi, Borno, Gombe, Taraba, and Yobe, and is situated at latitude 6.260 East and longitude 4.920 North East of Nigeria. The population of the study was 621 comprising 128 MVMW trade teachers, 126 administrators (Principals and two Vice Principals), and 367 students from the 42 science and technical colleges in Northeast Nigeria. The study adopted Simple random sampling to select a sample size of 234 respondents using Krejcie and Morgan (1970) sample size table. The instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire titled: “Efficacy of Vocational Training Programs in Motor Vehicle and Mechanic Works Trade Questionnaire, (EVTPMVMWTQ)". The data for the study was analyzed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions. The findings of the study revealed that the curriculum adequately covers essential topics, practical training facilities are well-equipped, instructors demonstrate expertise, safety protocols are emphasized, and opportunities for hands-on experience are provided. The findings further revealed that the high agreement levels, with mean scores above 4.0, across various aspects of the training program in Motor Vehicle and Mechanic Works (MVMW), suggest a positive perception among students regarding the effectiveness of the program. It was recommended that the government should upgrade and provide modern automotive equipment and tools to ensure vocational training programs have access to current resources. Collaborate with industry partners to facilitate equipment provision and ensure practical training aligns with industry standards.</p> 2024-04-04T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##